layout: true class: center, middle --- # Learning Longer-term Dependencies in RNNs with Auxiliary Losses .red[.refer[ Trieu H.Trinh, Andrew M.Dai, Minh-Thang Luong, Quoc V.Le ]] *19-08-2018* Do Minh Hai [<i class="fab fa-github"> @dominhhai</i>]( .footnote[.refer[ [<i class="fab fa-facebook"> Tokyo Paper Reading Fest</i>]( ]] --- layout: false class: left # Outline - Long-term Dependencies problem in RNNs - Methodology - Auxiliary Losses - Procedure - Exeperiments - Model - Results - Analysis --- # Long-term Dependencies problem - Long-term dependencies - BPTT tend to vanish or explode during training - States memory is expensive - SoTA methods - LSTM - Gradient Clipping - Truncated BPTT .footnote[.refer[ \# More here: ]] --- # Methodology .center[<img width="80%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-1.png" alt="Method Overview">] ### Auxiliary Loss: - Unsupervised - Sampling at random anchor points ### BPTT: - All gradients are truncated - Improves performance and scalability --- # Methodology .center[<img width="100%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-2.png" alt="Auxiliary Loss">] ### Auxiliary Loss: - *r*-LSTM: Reconstruction - Reconstructs the past events before anchor point - *p*-LSTM: Prediction - Predict the next events after anchor point ### Anchor Points - Temporary Memory - Difference RNNs --- # Methodology .center[<img width="100%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-2.png" alt="Auxiliary Loss">] ### Training - Random anchor points - Train in 2 phases - Pretrain: minimize auxiliary losses only - Train: minimize the sum of main objective loss and auxiliary losses $$L = L\_\text{supervised} + L\_\text{auxiliary}$$ --- # Methodology .center[<img width="80%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-2.png" alt="Auxiliary Loss">] ### Sampling - Add extra hyper-parameters - Sampling Frequency $n$ - Subsequence Length $\\{l_i\\}~~~, i=\overline{1,n}$ ### Auxiliary Loss: $$L\_\text{auxiliary}=\frac{\sum\_{i=1}^n L\_i}{\sum\_{i=1}^n l\_i}$$ where, the sum of cross-entroy loss $L\_i=\sum\_{t=1}^{l\_i}\text{TokenLost}\_t$ --- # Exeperiments - Datasets .center[<img width="90%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-3.png" alt="Datasets">] - Up to 16,000 - over 20 times longer than any previously use benhmark --- # Exeperiments - Models ### Main objective model - Input: embedding size of 128 - 1-layer LSTM with 128 cells - 2-layers FFN with 256 hidden units - Dropout with probability 0.5 on the 2nd-FFN - Output: softmax prediction ### Auxiliary model - 2-layers LSTM - Bottom layer is initialized with main LSTM states - Top layer starts with zero - 2-layers FFN with 256 hidden units - Dropout with probability 0.5 on the 2nd-FFN #### Hyper-parameters - $n=1$ - $l_i=600$ --- # Exeperiments - Results .center[<img width="80%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-4.png" alt="MNIST, pMNIST, CIFAR10">] --- # Exeperiments - Results - StandfordDogs .center[<img width="65%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-5.png" alt="StandfordDogs">] --- # Exeperiments - Results - Compare with Transformer .center[<img width="60%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-6.png" alt="Transformer">] - DBpedia - $l_i=300$ .center[<img width="60%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-7.png" alt="DBpedia">] --- # Analysis - Shrinking BPTT length - Dataset: CIFAR10 .center[<img width="80%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-8.png" alt="Shrinking BPTT length">] --- # Analysis - Multiple Reconstructions with fixed BPTT cost - Dataset: CIFAR10 .center[<img width="60%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-9.png" alt="Multiple Reconstructions with fixed BPTT cost">] - When $l_i$ is constant, we can use batch to utilize data parallelism --- # Analysis - Regulaziation and Optimization - Dataset: CIFAR10 .center[<img width="56%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-10.png" alt="Regulaziation and Optimization">] --- # Analysis - Relative contribution of difference factors to *r*-LSTM's performance - Dataset: CIFAR10 - Turning off part from original full setting .center[<img width="80%" src="/images/talk-paper-long-term-rnn-11.png" alt="Ablation Study">] - Jointly training Unsupervised and Supervised loss is most important - More randomness is better --- layout: true class: center, middle --- # Thank You 😊 Happy Coding!