layout: true class: center, middle --- # Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction<br>Chapter 5: Monte Carlo Methods *26-08-2018* Do Minh Hai [<i class="fab fa-github"> @dominhhai</i>]( --- layout: false class: left # Outline - Introduction - Monte Carlo Prediction - Monte Carlo Control - On-Policy method - Off-policy method - Incremental Implementation for MC prediction - Off-policy MC Control - Discounting-aware Importance Sampling - Per-decision Importance Sampling --- # Introduction - Environment is incomplete - Learning from experience of interaction with environment - Experience is divided into **episodes** - Based on averaging sample's returns - Like an associative bandit - Nonstationary from the point of view of the earlier state - Adapt the idea of GPI from DP --- # Monte Carlo Prediction .left-column[<img width="70%" src="" alt="MC backup diagram"> *backup diagram* ] .right-column[ - Estimate $v_\pi(s)$ from experience by averaging the returns observed after visits to that state $s$ - 2 methods: - first-visit MC: average of the returns only for the first visits to $s$ - every-visit MC: average of the returns for all visits to $s$ - Estimates for each state are independent - Unlike DP - Only one choice considered at each state - only sampled on the one episode - Do not bootstrap ] --- # Monte Carlo Prediction .center[<img width="100%" src="" alt="first-visit MC prediction">] ### Estimation of Action Values - Estimate $q_*$ when a model is not available - Averaging returns starting from state $s$, taking action $a$ following policy $\pi$ - Need to estimate the value of all the actions from each state - *Exploring starts*: $\pi(s,a)>0~~~\forall{s,a}$ --- # Monte Carlo Control - Use GPI as DP $$\pi\_0 \stackrel{E}{\longrightarrow} q\_{\pi\_0} \stackrel{I}{\longrightarrow} \pi\_1 \stackrel{E}{\longrightarrow} q\_{\pi\_1} \stackrel{I}{\longrightarrow} \pi\_2 \stackrel{E}{\longrightarrow} ... \stackrel{I}{\longrightarrow} \pi\_\* \stackrel{E}{\longrightarrow} q\_{\pi\_\*}$$ - Policy evaluation $\stackrel{E}{\longrightarrow}$: using MC methods for prediction - Policy improment $\stackrel{I}{\longrightarrow}$: policy greedy w.r.t the current value function - Meets the policy improvement theorem $$ \begin{aligned} q\_{\pi\_k}\big(s,\pi\_{k+1}(s)\big) &= q\_{\pi\_k}\big(s,\arg\max\_a q\_{\pi\_k}(s,a)\big) \\cr &= \max\_a q\_{\pi\_k}(s,a) \\cr & \ge q\_{\pi\_k}\big(s,\pi\_k(s)\big) \\cr & \ge v\_{\pi\_k}(s) \end{aligned} $$ if, $\pi\_{k+1}=\pi\_k$, then $\pi\_k=\pi\_\*$ --- # Monte Carlo Control - Converage conditions assumptions: - (1) episodes have exploring starts $\pi(s,a)>0~~~\forall s,a$ - (2) policy evaluation could be done with an infinite number of episodes - Monte Carlo without Exploring Starts - **on-policy** methods: evaluate or improve the policy that is used to make decisions - **off-policy** methods: evaluate or improve the policy different from that is used to generate the data --- # Monte Carlo Exploring Starts - Alterate between evaluation and improvement on an episode-by-episode basis - Convergence to this fixed point (fixed point is optimal policy $\pi_*$) seems inevitable .center[<img width="100%" src="" alt="Monte Carlo Exploring Starts">] --- # On-Policy method - Learn about policy currently executing - Policy is generally soft $\pi(a|s)>0$ - ε-soft policy like ε-greedy: - probability of nongreedy is $\dfrac{\epsilon}{| \mathcal A(s) |}$ - and, probability of greedy is $1-\epsilon+\dfrac{\epsilon}{| \mathcal A(s) |}$ - ε-greedy with respect to $q_\pi$ is an improvement over any ε-soft policy $\pi$ $$ \begin{aligned} q\_\pi\big(s,\pi'(s)\big) &= \sum\_a \pi'(a | s) q\_\pi(s,a) \\cr &= \frac{\epsilon}{| \mathcal A(s) |}\sum\_a q\_\pi(s,a) + (1-\epsilon)\max\_a q\_\pi(s,a) \\cr &\ge v\_\pi(s) \end{aligned} $$ - Converages to the best ε-soft policy $v\_\pi=\tilde v\_\* ~~~, \forall s\in\mathcal S$ --- # On-Policy method .center[<img width="100%" src="" alt="On-Policy method">] --- # Off-policy method - Learn the value of the target policy $\pi$ from experience due to behavior policy $b$ - Optimal policy: target policy - Exploratory & generate policy: behavior policy - More powerful and general than on-policy - On-policy methods is special case in which $\pi = b$ - Greater variance and slower to converge - Coverage assumption: $b$ generates behavior that covers, or includes, $\pi$ $$\pi(a | s) > 0 \implies b(a | s) > 0$$ --- # Off-policy method - Method: use importance sampling - Estimate expected values under one distribution given samples from another - Importance-sampling ratio: weighting returns according to the relative probability of their trajectories under the two policies - The relative probability of the trajectory under 2 polices depend only on the 2 policies and the sequence: $$\rho\_{t:T-1} = \prod\_{k=1}^{T-1}\frac{\pi(A\_k | S\_k)}{b(A\_k | S\_k)}$$ - Expected value of target policy: $$v\_\pi(s) = E\big[\rho\_{t:T-1}G\_t | S\_t=s\big]$$ where, $G_t$ is the returns of $b$ : $v_b(s) = E\big[G_t | S_t=s\big]$ - Indexing time steps in a way that increases across episode boundaries - first episode ends in terminal state at time $t-1=100$ - next episode begins at time $t=101$ --- # Off-policy method - 2 types of importance sampling: - Ordinary importance sampling: $$V(s) = \frac{\sum\_{t\in\mathscr T(s)}\rho\_{t:T(t)-1}G\_t}{| \mathscr T |}$$ - Weighted importance sampling: $$V(s) = \frac{\sum\_{t\in\mathscr T(s)}\rho\_{t:T(t)-1}G\_t}{\sum\_{t\in\mathscr T(s)}\rho\_{t:T(t)-1}}$$ where: - $\mathscr T(s)$: set of all time steps in which state $s$ is visited - $T(t)$: first time of termination following time $t$ - $G\_t$: returns after $t$ up through $T(t)$ - $\\{G\_t\\}\_{t\in\mathscr T(s)}$ are the returns that pertain to state $s$ - $\\{\rho\_{t:T(t)-1}\\}\_{t\in\mathscr T(s)}$ are the corresponding importance-sampling ratios --- # Incremental MC prediction - For on-policy: Exactly the same methods as Bandits - For ordinary importance sampling: Scaling returns by $\rho_{t:T(t)-1}$ - For weighted importance sampling - Have sequence of returns $G\_1, G\_2, ..., G\_{n-1}$ all starting in the same state - Corresponding random weight $W\_i$ (e.g., $W\_i = \rho\_{t\_i:T(t\_i)-1}$) $$V\_n = \frac{\sum\_{k=1}^{n-1}W\_kG\_k}{\sum\_{k=1}^{n-1}W\_k} ~~~, n\ge 2$$ - update rule: $$ \begin{cases} V\_{n+1} &= V\_n + \dfrac{W\_n}{C\_n}\big[G\_n - V\_n\big] &, n\ge 1 \\cr C\_{n+1} &= C\_n + W\_{n+1} &, C\_0 = 0 \end{cases} $$ - Can apply to on-policy when $\pi=b, W=1$ --- # Incremental MC prediction .center[<img width="100%" src="" alt="Incremental MC prediction">] --- # Off-policy MC Control - Requires behavior $b$ is soft: $b(a | s) > 0$ - Advantage: - Target policy $\pi$ may be deterministic (e.g., greedy) - While the behavior policy $b$ can continue to sample all possible actions - Disadvantages: - Learn only from the tails of episodes (the remaining actions in the episode are greedy) - Greatly slow learning when non-greedy actions are common (states appearing in the early portions of long episodes) --- # Off-policy MC Control .center[<img width="100%" src="" alt="off-policy MC Control">] --- # Discounting-aware Importance Sampling - Use discounted rewards structure of the returns to reduce the variance of off-policy estimators - Let define, the **flat partial return**: $$\overline G\_{t:h} = R\_{t+1} + R\_{t+2} + ... + R\_h ~~~, 0\le t < h\le T$$ - Compute the **full return** $G_t$ by flat partial returns: $$ \begin{aligned} G\_t &= R\_{t+1} + \gamma R\_{t+2} + \gamma^2 R\_{t+3} + ... + \gamma^{T-t-1} R\_T \\cr &= (1-\gamma)R\_{t+1} \\cr & \quad + (1-\gamma)\gamma(R\_{t+1} + R\_{t+2}) \\cr & \quad + (1-\gamma)\gamma^2(R\_{t+1} + R\_{t+2} + R\_{t+3}) \\cr & \quad \vdots \\cr & \quad + (1-\gamma)\gamma^{T-t-2}(R\_{t+1} + R\_{t+2} + ... + R\_{T-1}) \\cr & \quad + \gamma^{T-t-1}(R\_{t+1} + R\_{t+2} + ... + R\_T) \\cr &= (1-\gamma)\sum\_{h=t+1}^{T-1}\gamma^{h-t-1}\overline G\_{t:h} + \gamma^{T-t-1}\overline G\_{t:T} \end{aligned} $$ --- # Discounting-aware Importance Sampling - Discount rate but have no effect if $\gamma=1$ - For ordinary importance-sampling estimator: $$V(s)=\dfrac{\displaystyle\sum\_{t\in\mathscr T(s)}\Big( (1-\gamma)\sum\_{h=t+1}^{T(t)-1}\gamma^{h-t-1}\rho\_{t:h-1}\overline G\_{t:h} + \gamma^{T(t)-t-1}\rho\_{t:T(t)-1}\overline G\_{t:T(t)}\Big)}{| \mathscr T(s) |}$$ - For weighted importance-sampling estimator: $$V(s)=\dfrac{\displaystyle\sum\_{t\in\mathscr T(s)}\Big( (1-\gamma)\sum\_{h=t+1}^{T(t)-1}\gamma^{h-t-1}\rho\_{t:h-1}\overline G\_{t:h} + \gamma^{T(t)-t-1}\rho\_{t:T(t)-1}\overline G\_{t:T(t)}\Big)}{\displaystyle\sum\_{t\in\mathscr T(s)}\Big( (1-\gamma)\sum\_{h=t+1}^{T(t)-1}\gamma^{h-t-1}\rho\_{t:h-1} + \gamma^{T(t)-t-1}\rho\_{t:T(t)-1}\Big)}$$ --- # Per-decision Importance Sampling - One more way of reducing variance, even if $\gamma=1$ - Use structure of the returns as sum of rewards $$ \begin{aligned} \rho\_{t:T-1}G\_t &= \rho\_{t:T-1}(R\_{t+1}+\gamma R\_{t+2}+...+\gamma^{T-t-1} R\_T) \\cr &= \rho\_{t:T-1}R\_{t+1}+\gamma\rho\_{t:T-1}R\_{t+2}+...+\gamma^{T-t-1}\rho\_{t:T-1}R_T \end{aligned} $$ where, sub-term $\rho\_{t:T-1}R\_{t+k}$ depend only on the first and the last rewards $$E[\rho\_{t:T-1}R\_{t+k}] = E[\rho\_{t:t+k-1}R\_{t+k}]$$ - **per-decision** importance-sampling $$E[\rho\_{t:T-1}G_t] = E[\tilde G_t]$$ where, $$\tilde G\_t=\rho\_{t:t}R\_{t+1} + \gamma\rho\_{t:t+1}R\_{t+2} + \gamma^2\rho\_{t:t+2}R\_{t+3} + ... + \gamma^{T-t-1}\rho\_{t:T-1}R\_T$$ --- # Per-decision Importance Sampling - Use for **ordinary** importance-sampling - Same unbiased expectation (in the first-visit case) as the ordinary importance-sampling estimator - But not consistent (do not converge to the true value with infinite data) $$V(s)=\frac{\sum_{t\in\mathscr T(s)}\tilde G_t}{| \mathscr T(s) |}$$ - Do NOT use for *weighted* importance-sampling --- layout: true class: center, middle --- # Thank You 😊 Happy Coding!